It has been a while since I have posted anything on our blog, mainly because it has been CRAZY busy! We have been to Puerto Rico, New York City celebrated Sami's 1st birthday and our 5th anniversary all in the last month and many more events in between. All fun things, but just very very busy.
So, here is a summary of Miss Sami's last month. She has started walking (more and more each day), been to Puerto Rico, has become so curious about everything around her, kicking balls, playing instruments, hit the 20 pound mark, still LOVES people and loves making them smile, has started getting curls (so cute!), fills out her size 3 shoes (finally!), climbs stairs and anything she can, enjoys life with all her heart! She is so fun to be around. Adam and I and the rest of the family are enjoying her so much. She is learning a ton these days and just soaks up everything. We have at times thought she was saying her first word, but then we don't hear it for a while. At times, she has said "baby", "mama", "nana", "dada", "baba" (for bottle), "bye bye" and maybe some others. But, nothing is sticking yet. She is certainly on her way, the girl babbles all day long!
Ok. Sami's 1st birthday. So fun. We just had family over to celebrate which was perfect. We really wanted her birthday to be a celebration of everybody that has loved her so much in her first year. Sami is a party animal! She enjoyed every minute. She wasn't a huge fan of the cake, but she gave us just enough for some cute pictures. She loved every gift she was given, letting the giver know how much she appreciated the present. It really was a perfect closing to her first year and beginning to the next.
Sami has truly brought so much laughter and joy to our lives. We love her so much and are so thankful for her health and her happiness. We are excited to watch her grow and learn this next year!